👋 Here's What We've Been Up To

Servant leadership training students smiling on rooftop in philly

­­It's hard to believe it's already August! We've been up to a LOT this summer, like New York trips to reach out to the youth and other fun outings in addition to our regular meeting times. With a packed summer and a several-month-long hiatus since school ended, we thought we'd share with you what's been going on here in Boston.

East Coast Vision 2022

New York vision team in front of one of the Fujianese churches we partnered with.

New York vision team in front of one of the Fujianese churches we partnered with.

Servant leadership training students putting on a Gospel skit

The Gospel Skit Reprisal!

Once many of our schools ended, some of us packed our bags and headed off to New York for a 2.5 week-long trip to spearhead youth ministry in New York. Ask anyone who went and they'd probably describe it as crazy ft. lots of pivots and changing plans yet overflowing with God's active work. 

­­Some of you might remember seeing the gospel skit the church plant interns (CPIs) put together during our Good News event at the end of April – and some of you were even in the reprise performed in New York by the Vision Team! Along with the gospel skit, the Vision Team also prepared college readiness workshops, sports clinics, and random hangouts at New York parks to reach out to and provide a safe space for New York youth. 

­­­­­The New Hampshire House

Our Boston team visiting our New Hampshire property for the first time! Just look at that view.

Our church team visiting our New Hampshire property for the first time! Just look at that view.

­­Probably one of our most exciting developments this summer: we have a new getaway house! If you remember our Potomac House trip, it was definitely a highlight of the year where we got to hang out on the property, visit DC… and also endured 8-10 hour long car rides – but no more! This summer we got a property in New Hampshire (only a 1.5 hour drive!) that many of us have been visiting periodically during the summer to do some work on it in preparation for the the school year so that we can enjoy it all together! Praise God for this awesome provision and all the fun memories we'll have there Definitely be on the lookout for future outings to the New Hampshire House!

­­­SLT | Student Leadership Training

SLT students in Boston doing a giveaway to engage youth in bigger questions of life.

SLT students in Boston doing a giveaway to engage youth in bigger questions of life.

­­In July, our church had a Student Leadership Training program for students across the nation. In that month, 70+ students from 25 college campuses across the nation met together to do youth outreach, partner with churches in the Northeast, and had a forging experience of being on the move with other believers for the mission of the Great Commission. They were in Boston for the last week of the program and held two summer camps for middle and high schoolers, a special event at Northeastern, and explored Boston! While they were here, they stayed in our church members’ homes and got to experience the Church providing for them in even practical matters like transportation, meals, beds, and supplies. Praise God for all that He was able to do through these 70+ students and the one decision they made to surrender a month of their summer 🙌


Whew, busy summer.

We are really looking forward to see Boston filled again with students from all over, so please stop on by to say hi! Excited to welcome you back :)

Alyssa Meng is one of the college blogging staff writers with Gracepoint Boston
Alyssa Meng (c/o 2021) graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara with an English major and minors in music and editing. Has been compared to: a toaster. She's currently serving as a mentor with students at Boston College!

