Acts 2 Live: Reflecting on Our Watershed Moment
By Amanda Xu and Jerry Huang - Tufts University
In early January, Reclaimer Church was swept in a flurry of set-building, script-writing, singing, and acting for a historic Crossroads showing. Some might know it better as Acts 2 Live. It involved a Gospel skit composed of sometimes humorous, other times moving vignettes highlighting the basic principles of Christianity, and a musical depicting personal stories about fulfilling the Great Commission through the lives of college students.
With the final production happening just a few months ago, Acts 2 Live remains fresh in our minds as a reminder of God’s will coming to life. In a state of what Pastor Manny has referred to as ‘post-Acts 2 Live blues,’ we can’t help but feel a sense of longing for the weekly rehearsals, dance practices, dinner breaks, and everything in between. So, in an effort to memorialize this moment, we’re capturing lessons from students involved.
Acts 2 Live: A lot of living, laughing, and loving
Acts 2 Live was more than just a production; it touched our lives in ways we never expected. Halley, PhD student at Boston University and a member of the musical cast, shared the following:
“I opened up a lot to other people through Acts 2 Live and to the church… I was active in the church prior but I didn't really feel that camaraderie and that togetherness until Acts 2 Live happened.”
Through the numerous hours spent together working to share the gospel, students became closer than ever—familiar faces on Sundays are now friends. A freshman from Northeastern and a narrator in the Gospel skit cast, Sam shared the impact Acts 2 Live had on him.
“Through this I've met so many people and made a lot of friends, and being able to serve together really brings a lot of joy. Giving to other people, whether it be through performance or through other services, just reminded me of what I should be doing with my life.”
For Audrey, sophomore at Brandeis and also a part of the Gospel skit, her involvement in Acts 2 Live has resulted in decisions to get baptized and to join SLT this summer, where she served on a mission trip in Taiwan and Japan.
“During one of the rehearsals, I decided to write my brother a letter, because he was going on a mission trip. It was also kind of a letter to myself and a letter to God… my personal declaration, a recommitment, in a way, to Christianity.”
Whether it was forging deeper connections with the people around us or with God, Acts 2 Live has made its mark in unique ways for each one of us.
The road was bumpy…very bumpy.
Of course, the road to our success was not easy. As Kelsey, a recent Boston College graduate and member of backstage crew, said: it was painful.
“It was painful, but Pastor Manny did a pretty good job of reminding us we’re doing this for God and not for our own glory. I think that’s why we kept going.”
Navigating the technical side of a production was certainly challenging; there always seemed to be obstacles in sound management, prop placement, and stage blocking, all of which were fixed throughout the weeks as we all committed to rolling up our sleeves, working hard, and doing whatever was needed. For students, challenges showed up in different ways. Josie, a recent graduate from Harvard, and a member of the musical cast, shared one of hers.
“A challenging thing was wrestling with my pride and reminding myself that it's not about me even though I'm on stage. The important lesson that I had to learn and remind myself of was just that this is about Jesus, and this is about getting the message across to my friends. It’s not just them seeing me on stage having a good time.”
Another challenge was facing what it entails to make a commitment to God even in the midst of other college/life opportunities. Khensani, a freshman from Berklee in the gospel skit, told us about what she gave up to be present throughout the Acts 2 Live process.
“I had a few job offers and gig offers during our Acts 2 Live practices and performances, especially during this last one in New Jersey… I had to realize what it means to give everything that I have for the Great Commission and for bringing the gospel to other people.”
Students gave up performances, club events, and more to make sure that they could fully commit to Acts 2 Live. Our duty towards God certainly isn’t easy; especially when we have so many other obligations pulling at us in our day-to-day lives. But like Khensani, many of us were reminded that giving up even the most exciting alternatives is worth it to serve God.
Sharing (the gospel) is caring!
Like Josie and Sam emphasized, Acts 2 Live isn’t just about putting on the best performance or having fun, it’s about serving God. As Ian, a junior from Berklee in the musical cast, puts it,
“You go to church and you listen to sermons, [but]…there's some distance between you and the sermon. Doing something like this — you're the one delivering the message, it's a very hands-on, proactive way of exploring the gospel and also sharing it with other people.”
Collectively, Acts 2 Live reached hundreds of audience members with 45 salvation decisions over the three performances. Individually, though God also transformed each of us who were involved. Ben, a student at Northeastern and in the musical cast experienced the freedom of self-forgetfulness..
“I was able to get out of my self-absorbed thoughts and see it [acting in the musical] as a way to serve God and to serve others…show them this is what it really means to…live out faith and the gospel.”
Josie from Harvard talked about her older cousin from Maine that she invited to watch the show.
“After the show, we had dinner, and I got to learn more about his relationship with God or lack thereof. God was working through me and the entire production to invite people in and make people question their own relationship with him.”
The number of salvation decisions may seem small in the grand scheme of things, but knowing that Acts 2 Live truly reached and moved members of the audience reminds us that, yes, we made a difference.
Looking ahead: now what?
Now that Acts 2 Live is over, us students are itching for another chance to commit ourselves fully to sharing the gospel. “When is the next Acts 2 Live happening?” we ask Pastor Manny, joking and also completely serious. He would laugh and say, “2025?” and we’d groan, but we all know we would say yes.
When asked to give advice, our students said it best: just say yes! Say yes to that summer mission trip! Say yes to joining the praise team! Say yes to God, and if the opportunity arises again, say yes to Acts 2 Live!