Behold, the New Has Come
What are three college students and one recent grad from different places and backgrounds doing getting dunked in a large silver basin?
Why do people celebrate and cheer to hear their stories as they publicly declare surrenderedness to Jesus as their Lord and savior?
Because we are witnessing the great miracle of salvation: four souls changing eternal trajectories from death to life in an astounding act of mercy, a reversal of what should have been. On April 23, 2023 we had our second ever baptism service here at Reclaimer College Church. Here are some snippets of the stories they shared of how they experienced the gospel from before Christ → seeking Christ → salvation. Something pretty incredible to note is that all four candidates came from non-Christian backgrounds and were able to learn about who God is through Bible Studies, mentors, Sunday Service, and C101 (a course on Christian foundation our church offers) in just the past 1.5 years. Read their stories below of how this happened:
The Candidates
c/o 2022 | American University | Shenzhen, China
I lived my life doing whatever I wanted to do because I thought there was no greater purpose to life. So, I would try to seize every moment of life through self-indulgence and seeking meaningless pleasure. But after coming to church and taking C101, I learned that I am actually the beloved daughter of God. Even before I knew God, He already loved me and sent His only son to the cross to save me from a purposeless and sinful life. I learned how my wrong perception of life had made me a prodigal daughter to God. So, I repented, turned back home, and now I follow Christ and live according to His will. Christ is now the Lord of my life because He saved me from my sin and He gave me the true purpose of life. He guided me to everlasting joy instead of the fleeting happiness I used to seek.
Junior | Boston College | Shenzhen, China
I didn’t trust other people and had a self-righteous view of myself, chasing after and reveling in academic prowess in high school and then in college when that could no longer be the case, I sought social status. Yet while I worked hard for these different images I wanted, I felt lonely, afraid my image would collapse, and distrustful of others. I became curious about Christianity after a chance encounter with two church mentors who moved across the country just to start a church. The God they believed who loved unconditionally was so different from what I was used to in my own relationships. During a winter retreat, after hearing several messages and testimony sharings, I knew my heart wasn’t good; it was far from what I portrayed myself externally to be. I had been comparing myself to other people and feeling like I was a good person, but before a holy God, who sees what no one else sees — my thoughts and desires — I would be condemned. But by Jesus Christ’s death on the cross, I no longer need to live condemned, rather forgiven and free from my sin. I know now that my salvation is not just a one-time contract, but a loving and trusting relationship that stands even through life’s uncertainties.
Senior | BU | Boston, MA
I tried to find my self-worth and security through achievements. I did everything to achieve as much success as possible. During my success, I was prideful and during my failure, I was disappointed and jealous. At a winter retreat, I was able to see the reality and the consequences of my sin, and I realized that I was a sinner. However, through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, I am forgiven and unconditionally loved by God. My sins left my soul empty and had hurt those around me. But despite my sins, Jesus still forgives me and loves me. So I repented of my insecurity and became secure as a beloved child of God. In John 6:35 “Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” Jesus tells me that I can have absolute love and life by trusting in Him and not my own achievements. I now know that God's love for me isn't something that I have to work for, rather it is unconditional and forever!
Sophomore | Brandeis University | Shenzhen, China
I grew up in a nonreligious family. Before I knew Christ, my mission in life was to have fun and live comfortably. But the more I tried, the more I felt lost and felt that it was all in vain. I am so sinful, but Jesus still died for me and saved me from going into a downward spiral. The good news is I can always repent about my sin and return to Jesus. I learned that through the example of the prodigal son, I am like the younger son, wanting to dominate my life so I keep running away from God. But in the end, I wasted my life because of my sinful nature and was left with a desperate reality. Almost unbelievably, God opens a home for me if I repent about my sin. In Isaiah 1:18, Jesus said, “though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Whenever I sin, I can always repent to God and thus be cleaned! That picture is incredible. I am grateful that by grace, I can turn back home and rejoice with my father.
Praise God for each of these precious souls. We’ll be featuring each of their full testimonies in the coming weeks at service! We celebrate their salvation and this public proclamation of God’s grace in their lives.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”